Photo by Fabian Moller on Unsplash
How are you, friend? I'm not sure if you've been asked that question lately. I have no idea how the year's been so far for you, but I hope it's going well. In recent conversations with some friends of mine, it seems everyone's battling with one thing or the other. Life is hard for all of us. Although struggle and pain are shared human experiences, our difficulties aren't usually the same. There are times when we might feel alone and misunderstood like there's no one on earth who gets us or sees us. And perhaps you've heard other people say this repeatedly, but, hear it from me if it will make any difference: YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
You've never been alone. There are more than 7 billion people on this planet, and trust me on this, someone somewhere is possibly going through the same thing you're going through, or even worse. I heard something that made me laugh recently. It was a statement that was so funny because of how true it is. In my free time, I stumbled upon a video by a YouTuber called Ehis, and in narrating the lessons he's learned in 25 years, he shared a quotable piece of advice which was, "Rock-bottom has a basement." I cackled when I heard it, but I also pondered on how valid this statement is. Rock-bottom does have a basement, in the sense that we could all be doing so much worse (depending on your circumstances). As the saying goes, "The grass isn't greener on the other side. It's greener where you water it." Despite whatever it is we're going through, the best thing we can do for ourselves right now is to thrive where we are.
Whether you're rich or poor, life isn't easy for anyone. We have all gone through countless hardships, that even those who are dear to us know nothing about. Pain is a familiar friend. Pain is preparation. But, it isn't preparation for more pain. Rather, it is preparation for an alignment with our purpose. The lessons we learn from the difficulties we're going through now could be helpful to someone else in the future. At least, that's how I'm choosing to see it. Believe it or not, you haven't gone through that hardship or struggle for nothing. God is always 100 steps ahead of our current circumstances. Even when we lack faith to trust in Him, He sees the bigger picture for us. He is the author of the bigger picture. Nothing that we go through in life is ever in vain. There is a purpose in everything.
Again, I have no idea what your struggles are. Perhaps, you're worried about bills, an illness, or conflict in your familial, platonic, or romantic relationships. Whatever the case may be, YOU WILL GET THROUGH IT. God is always working even when you don't feel Him. He is always with us. The good work He began in us will surely be perfected and completed. Even if everyone else forsakes you, God never will. He never abandons His own.
Amidst all we're going through and enduring, we must remember to check in on those around us, especially our 'strong friends'. Strong people struggle too. Keep those whom you love and wish the best for in your prayers, always. Taking care of our mind and body is also important. So, this is your reminder to eat well if you can, and prioritize your mental health. Don't push yourself too hard -- a tower isn't built in a day. We only have one life, and even if it's hard, we must persistently and consistently do our best to live it well. Do not define yourself by your current circumstances. You are not what you've been through, or even all that you're going through right now. You are what you will become -- the person God has destined you to be.
Stay in alignment with your purpose. Stay faithful, and let there always be light and love inside you. Believe in the impossible. Believe that you can achieve the impossible because you can, and you will. You were made for more. And so, I wish you more, than what you already have, and more than what you will obtain. Something beautiful always awaits us at the end of every difficult path. Life is as sweet as you make it. So, make your life taste like strawberries, apples, or whatever fruit you like -- you get the point. Keep fighting. Don't give up. Good luck!
Thank you for making it this far. Thank you for being here. I'll see you in the next story, friend.
Don't forget to breathe. You've got this!
Warmly, Grace.
I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.
-- Philippians 4:!3 (NIV)