Summer of 2022 has been blessed with the soulful and heart-piercing voice of the one and only, Mr. Harry Styles. His new album, Harry's House, is a beautiful rendition and musical ode to life, love, and the reality of being unavoidably human. This album is certainly one that will be heard all summer, and through the rest of the year. Yes, it's just that good. Honestly, 'good' is a huge understatement. Harry Styles, this man of much artistic variety and capability has done it again, and truly, no one is surprised.
As an avid fan and admirer of Styles and all his artistic work, I was absolutely thrilled when news broke that his third solo album would be released on May 20th of this year. It felt like I was receiving a belated birthday gift as my birthday also happens to be May 15th. I waited with anticipation knowing that Styles, as always, will deliver nothing short of wondrous. Harry's House is an impressive triumph for the pop star, and I'll let you in on why his new album should be on your music radar this year.
Harry's 'House' is perhaps a symbol for home, an ideal living space where one expects to feel safe and loved. It feels as though each song is asking us a string of questions such as, "Where is your home? What is it like? Are you safe there? Are you loved? And most importantly, are you happy?" Without being deeply philosophical or overwhelmingly confrontational, it seems Styles is curious about our own personal spaces, and what and who we let into our unique worlds. The album in its entirety is also a peek into the 'home' (mind and thought process) of one most vulnerable and giving artists of this generation.
Though popular for maintaining a personal and public life balance, and one who operates certainly not as a tell-all kind of guy, Styles has still found a way to bear his truth, and share his personal experiences through his music. "Writing is the process of airing out your dirty laundry', is a quote I remember hearing from a screenwriter a long time ago. 'Dirty laundry' is this instance doesn't particularly refer to one's past mistakes or failures. In this case, it simply entails writing the truth of your experiences without holding on to pitiful shame or regret. Styles definitely sets the bar for honest writing and a willingness to simply 'come as you are', approaching his craft with knowledge and acceptance of his imperfections as a human being and an artist, and a shared desire to evolve into someone better than his past self.

Right from the beginning of the album, Styles invites us into his own personal haven with the eclectic, upbeat, life-loving, can't help but get up on your feet and dance feel of his first song, Music For a Sushi Restaurant. The album progresses into Late Night Talking, a song with a love-dazed pop sound and comforting sentiment, that simply yet beautifully reassures the character (or listener) that they're not alone and someone always has them on their mind. As It Was, which was the first single to be released from the album (a current fan favorite) comes on later, then followed by the witty, fun-loving and free-spirited track of Daylight. Little Freak is a seductive and mellow track that sets us up for the next mellow, therapeutic ballad that follows which is, Matilda, my favourite song on the album. This one hit too close to home for many reasons, and I'm certain a lot people who understand the sentiment carried within Matilda, were equally moved as I was when I first listened to the song.
In my understanding, the lyrical story of Matilda is about a woman who learns to come to terms with the sad reality of her past by confronting the trauma she's had to live with, a painful memory she's often treated as 'no big deal'. Perhaps, this trauma of growing up in a not-so-happy or loving home has prevented her from opening up and letting herself love or feel again. Harry gives her a listening ear and comfort by telling her, in summary, two simple words: IT'S OKAY. It's okay to let them go. It's okay to move on and do things on your own. You don't have to feel guilty for choosing yourself and your own happiness. You don't have to go back to the people who hurt you. Someday, you will have your own tribe, an intimate group of people and family who will always show you love. It's okay to let go, and let be. You will be okay, eventually.
The lyrics of Matilda is everything you wish your therapist would say to you when you open up to them about your family trauma. It is a song that has aided in my own healing process and one that I'm going to be listening to for a very long time. Matilda is the kind of song you feel was made just for you: a song that sees you and understands you, through and through. The magic and sparkle of Harry's House never fades away even as the album nears its end. Styles bids us farewell with Love Of My Life, a track with lyrics that acknowledges a past romantic relationship between Styles and the character of the song. He comes to let go of his attachment to this person by first admitting he was attached, as he reminisces about their time together. He doesn't start a 'blame game' between him and character. He relinquishes his attachment still with a certain amount of curiosity as to who this person really is, by also accepting that he never really knew them. Though, he is aware that many of his burning questions may never be answered, as their intimate connection no longer exists. As he sings, "It's not what I wanted to leave you behind...Don't know where you'll land when you fly." Styles realizes that the process of letting go and moving on isn't really about abandoning a past we want nothing to do with anymore, but more so, reaching for and holding on to a glimmer of hope that excites us and inspires a curiosity about what the future has in store for us.
The final song wraps the album up nicely, but not in a neat and perfect sort of way. The experience of Harry's House isn't a showcase of a flawless reality in which Styles' thoughts and emotions inhabit. He is flawed, imperfect, and perhaps, a little broken, too. But, so are we. Harry's House is Styles' private mirror reflecting his inner turmoil and blossoming beauty, a reality that might not be so impossibly distant or different from how the listener sees themselves. Styles has opened his doors to us to come take a peek inside the haven he has created for himself. It's not a perfect home. But, it is one where your feelings are acknowledged, your heart is kept safe, your hand is held tightly, and your soul is fed with nothing short of really good music. His home is welcoming, warm and loving, and you're welcome to stay for as long as you need. All Styles hopes for is that during your visit, you'll be happy, even if only for a little while.
Harry's House, the third solo album by Harry Styles is out now. Visit hstyles.co.uk for more information on tour dates and locations, merch, and where to listen to the new album.
Thank you for making it this far. Thank you for being here. I'll see you again in the next story, friend.
Warmly, Grace.
Update: As of February 5th of 2023, the Grammy Award for 'Album of the Year' is currently held by Harry Styles for his incredible and monumental album, Harry's House. Ahhhhhhh! So Proud! Congratulations Harry!